CogniPlus Main Software (CPS)

Model 65300


CogniPlus is a training battery which draws on the most up-to-date computer technology available to help you train cognitive functions using a multimedia approach.


Why CogniPlus?

CogniPlus stands for increased efficiency in the training of cognitive abilities. This technically advanced software package is our response to the demand from therapists for a training system which takes account of modern psychological insights and which, by means of training programs that simulate real-life situations, helps clients to integrate their progress into everyday life.

Deficit Specific Training

In developing these training programs we have placed particular emphasis on their theory-led construction. Likewise important were the proven trainability of the underlying ability dimensions and the deficit-specific training approach.

Realistic Content of Training Program

Clients want to apply what they have learned to everyday life, and they expect to be motivated by their training program. CogniPlus helps you meet your clients' expectations, because training takes place in the context of realistic scenarios. These have been created with the aid of computer game programmers, who have generated dynamic 3-dimensional graphics all specially tailored to their specific purpose.

Training for all Ability Levels

Unlike earlier computerized cognitive training programs, the CogniPlus programs can be used across the entire ability range.  This opens up completely new opportunities for use alongside the traditional areas of application such as the rehabilitation of patients with brain damage. For example, CogniPlus can be used to improve the driving-related abilities of people convicted of traffic offences, to train the reaction times of those who participate in sport, or to improve the attention of children with ADHD.

Automatic Adaptation of Difficulty Level

CogniPlus is an intelligent, interactive system which reliably identifies your clients' ability level and automatically adapts to it. This ensures that one of the central requirements of any successful training program is met: the users of the program are motivated. They are offered an efficient program which is neither too easy nor too demanding for them.

Independent Training

The use of CogniPlus programs creates time for you. Make use of the benefits of the software and let your clients work through their training on their own. We do, however, recommend that where children and vulnerable people are concerned progress should be closely supervised; such clients should not be left to work alone.

Assessment - Training - Evaluation

The tests of the Vienna Test System and the training procedures of CogniPlus are inter-coordinated. The training tools are based on the same theoretical models as the tests to which they correspond; this provides an efficient and theoretically sound link between assessment / training and the subsequent analysis of effectiveness.


Minimum Computer System Requirements

  • PC with pentium or compatible CPU, min. 2.5 GHz at least 512 MB RAM
  • 3D-graphic card compatible with DirectX 9.0 and at least 128 MB of RAM as well as a graphic chip by NVIDIA (GeForce FX5200 or better) or ATI (Radeon 9500 or better). The display driver must support Open-GL starting from version 1.4.
  • USB-headset or USB-loudspeaker. Please contact us for advice regarding suitable equipment.
  • DVD drive, hard disk, mouse, keyboard
  • USB ports for license dongle and peripheral devices (if all the computer's USB ports are already in use, an externally powered USB hub will be required)
  • Serial port (if a Test System Interface is used)
  • A network interface card to connect the computer to a data network (e.g. for setup of a group system)
  • Operating system: XP/Vista/7 (x32 or x64)

Monitor Requirements

  • CRT or TFT colour monitor with a diagonal screen size of at least 15" (For the training program SPACE we recommend using monitors with a diagonal screen size of at least 19"
  • For CRT monitors the refresh rate must be at least 75 Hz.
  • We recommend that TFT monitors have a resolution of at least 1280 x 960 pixels.


Required Accessories

CogniPlus License Dongle
CogniPlus License Dongle
Model 65301

This dongle holds the license code for the software application and is required for use.

Optional Accessories

Standard Panel
Standard Panel
Model 64025

The Standard Panel allows for user-friendly data input and can be used for many different tests. The test selected determines if the panel is needed. Consult the test's description to see if this panel is required.

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