HHD/MMT Download Tool

Model 01165SW

Price: $ 500.00


Software that allows easy download of the stored values from the Model 01165 Lafayette Hand-Held Dynamometer (formerly Manual Muscle Testing System) to your computer via a Bluetooth connection. The software is capable of displaying peak force, average force, time to peak, test date and time and force over-time data.



Minimum Computer System Requirements

  • Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista 32/64, Windows 7 32/64, Windows 8 32/64, or Windows 10
  • Requires 6 MB hard drive space, 10 MB of RAM, .NET Framework 4.0
  • Keyboard and Microsoft® Mouse or compatible pointing device
  • Bluetooth Connection

This software is not compatible with the 01165A or 01165APP Hand-Held Dynamometers.

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