
Model MP.33.03.FN

Price: $ 6490.00


The next generation of force plate: K-Deltas measure and improve athletes' physical performance and help physiotherapist manage their return to sport.


Jump Analysis

Counter Movement Jump and Squat Jump protocols (CMJ & SJ): assess jump height and get indicators during the impulse phase on thrust, power, explosive force, RFD (Rate of Force Development) and Left / right distribution.

Drop Jump protocol (DJ): get jump height following a landing, force development during ground contact and the RSI (Reactive Strength Index).

Jump Analysis
Static and Dynamic Balance

Static and Dynamic Balance

These force platforms are dedicated to advanced sportive performance analysis. Connected with a wireless to Kinvent Physio App, the K-Deltas help you manage the most efficient return to play process for your athletes.

Turn-Key Protocols

Force / Velocity Spectrum Profile: measure the optimal load for Maximal Power, a cutting edge test in biomechanics strength and conditioning. Guide your training towards one of these two antagonist components.

Dynamic Strength Index (DSI): get the ratio between an athlete's ballistic peak force and their isometric peak force. This protocol includes isometric mid-thigh pull peak force (IMTP) and ballistic peak force during Counter Movement Jump (CMJ).

Unipodal CMJ / SJ: highlight Left/Right differences in Thrust, Force, Power, RDF, Jump Height.

Turn-Key Protocols

Versatile Performance Analysis

Measure performance in a totally versatile and fast way compared to any other system market, thanks to their design, their load capacity which is 2 tonnes (2204 lbs) per delta, and to their high sampling rate.


Forces and Velocities Analysis


Measure the optimal load for maximum power. Rehabilitate balance and assess lower limb muscular symmetry and strength.


Jump Analysis and Functional Evaluations


Assess jump height and obtain indicators on the impulse phase through the counter movement jump and squat jump protocol.


Ballistic and Isometric Strength Measurements


Measure the ratio of an athlete?s ballistic peak strength to their isometric peak strength.

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