ROTATE trains the ability to form a three-dimensional mental image of an object depicted in two dimensions and to manipulate the image by means of a change of perspective or rotation (mental rotation).
In the ROTATE training program the client is shown 3D objects that he must compare with reference pictures. Two types of task are presented alternately.
Current theoretical models of this ability area assume that the process of solving mental rotation problems involves four stages (see Just & Carpenter 1985, Arendasy & Sommer 2010):
Studies show that this ability can be improved through training and practice. In general the best results are achieved by using training methods in which different spatial strategies are permitted and practiced (for a summary: Handet al., 2007).
Difficulty is varied across the various levels mainly by changing the following task characteristics:
The training program uses objects of various different types (e.g. cartoons, buildings). The aim of using a wide range of practice material is to improve the client’s motivation to train and to ensure that the cognitive skill that is developed can be generalized effectively.
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