Price: $ 4600.00
This battery of tests is used to measure the progress in rehabilitation and return-to-work capability of individuals performing jobs / tasks that require manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, steadiness, and perceptual motor skills. Placement personnel and human resource departments can pretest a job suitability for assembly and other jobs where frequent manipulation of objects in confined spaces is required.
The subject's task is to hold a metal-tipped stylus in 9 progressively smaller hole sizes without touching the sides. The effects of: steadiness of handedness, exercise, smoking, alcohol ingestion, and other factors can be observed. Performance curves can be analyzed for practice effects and fatigue.
The Purdue Pegboard Test has been used extensively to aid in the selection of employees for jobs that require fine and gross motor dexterity and coordination by measuring gross movements of hands, fingers and arms, and fingertip dexterity as necessary in assembly tasks.
The O'Connor Tweezer Dexterity Test requires the use of tweezers in placing a single pin in each 1/16 inch diameter hole. A high score indicates manual aptitude for work involving the use of precision small tools. Includes 1 tweezer, 100 pins, and detailed examiner's manual.
This widely used test measures capacity for simple but rapid eye-hand-finger movement.
This test measures hand, arm and finger dexterity and speed. Designed to test individuals for employment and to test elementary through college students when dexterity is a primary requirement, the board has four receptacles for holding washers, rods, caps, and nuts. The performance board also is comprised of a horizontal T-bar and 40 inserts arranged in a predetermined pattern.
This test measures proficiency in using ordinary mechanic's tools.
This is a test of motor coordination and learning which requires both arms to work together. The subject's task is to move the metal pointer around the anodized star pattern without leaving the pattern.
This tracing device involves reversal ability, hand-eye coordination and learning. Subject is required to trace the star pattern while watching only its mirror image. This automated unit comes with an impulse counter which counts every time the metal-tipped stylus leaves the anodized star pattern.
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