Lafayette Range of Motion Inclinometer (ROMI)

Model ACU100

Price: $ 750.00


The Lafayette Range of Motion Inclinometer is a wireless digital goniometer/inclinometer that is capable of taking measurements in three different planes. It can record maximal range of motion movements in flexion/extension, rotation, or front to back. An easy-to-read LCD screen displays the real-time angle along with up to six previously recorded measurements. Capable of wireless communication with a second unit for dual inclinometer joint measurements.


Meet the ROMI

The Lafayette Range of Motion Inclinometer is the next generation in wireless inclinometry.

Diagram of ROMI


Measure in 3-axis

Take Measurements in 3 Axis

LCD Screen displays real-time angle with a measurement range of 0-360 degrees.

Measure in 3-axis

Wireless Connection for Dual Inclinometer Measurements

Make a simple and quick wireless connection between inclinometers to do dual inclinometer measurements

Additional Features

  • Designed for high inter and intra-instrument reproducibility
  • Built-in data storage and browsing for up to 250 tests
  • Available tone indicator for start and stop
  • Interactive menus allow simple selection of device options
  • Powered by rechargeable battery
  • Strap kit for hands-free operation


  • Size: 4.61" x 3.27" x 0.97" (11.7cm x 8.3cm x 2.46cm)
  • Weight: 121.4 g
  • Accuracy
    • ± 1 % over full range in vertical axis
    • ± 2 % over full range in horizontal axis
  • Resolution: 0.1 degrees
  • 50 ms sample rate
  • Battery Life: 10 hours

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