Groove Type Steadiness Tester

Model 32010

Price: $ 450.00


This device tests dynamic steadiness. The subject is required to move a metal-tipped stylus along a narrowing channel without touching the sides. The channel width can be adjusted for varying difficulty. Centimeter markings along the edge allow measurement of a subject's performance.



Required Accessories

Economy Clock / Counter
Economy Clock / Counter
Model 54060A

The economy clock / counter is a timing device that is capable of accurately recording times down to the millisecond. All switch contacts can be configured for Normally Open or Normally Closed contacts, adding versatility to the device.

Optional Accessories

Replacement Stylus for Steadiness Testers
Replacement Stylus for Steadiness Testers
Model 32100

This Replacement Stylus is for use with the Model 32010 Groove Type Steadiness Tester and the Model 32011 Hole Type Steadiness Tester.

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