Assessment of attention under continuous stress in the form of sustained vigilance in a situation with few stimuli. Applicable for people aged 6 years and over.
The assessment of vigilance based on monotonous monitoring tasks is realistic, valid, and highly reliable.
The demands on vigilance are determined by the following factors: During a longer testing time, the respondent is required to show continuous attention. The relevant signals appear randomly and do not automatically attract attention. This requires a relatively low intensity of stimulus presentation and a low frequency of critical incidents. Generally, a maximum of 60 critical stimuli per hour are suggested. The drop in performance during vigilance experiments is due to the decrease in the activation level of the respondent accompanied by the growing reaction latency. According to the neurophysiological activation theory, the cortex is insufficiently stimulated by the increasing reticular activation system (ARAS) due to a lack of stimuli. The cerebral cortex does not receive sufficient alarms necessary to maintain certain activities, which leads to mental fatigue and a decrease in performance efficiency. This is the context in which the term overstrain through under stimulation.
A brightly flashing dot travels along a circular path in small jumps. Sometimes, however, the dot takes a double jump to which the respondent has to react by pressing a button.
The following variables are calculated: Number of correct, Number of incorrect, Mean value of reaction time correct (sec.), Gradient of correct and Gradient of reaction time correct together with the associated measures of exactitude.
Depending on the test version and the comparison sample, the following split-half reliabilities were obtained for the main variables: Number of correct: r=0.65 – r=0.95; Number of incorrect: r=0.69 – r=0.93, Mean value of reaction time correct: r=0.87 – r=0.99.
Criterion validity is given: all the criteria required in the most important theories for the measurement of vigilance are met. Tests of extreme group validity found that patients with right hemisphere cerebral lesions obtained significantly worse results than patients with comparable left hemisphere brain injury.
S1: sample of adults N=292, sample of children / young people aged 6 – 17 N=619, Swedish job-seekers N=245, traffic-psychological clients N=143 and neurological patients N=51. S2: Austrian norm sample N=271, sample of psychiatric patients N=111, Swedish job-seekers N=490 and Swedish applicants for technical occupations N=367. S4: Comparison scores of N=114 patients with sleep apnoea are available
Between 30 and 70 minutes (including instruction and practice phase), depending on test form.
The Schuhfried VTS enables computer-assisted application of a large number of highly diverse psycho-diagnostic tests and measuring procedures. In developing the system much emphasis was placed on transparent structure and largely uniform design. It is therefore simple to operate and easy to understand and does not require any special computer skills.
The VTS basic module is required for administration of any of the available tests.
The Schuhfried VTS supports the administration of both single tests and test batteries. Many of the single tests are available in different test versions. These test versions may differ, for example, in terms of test duration or difficulty or may be parallel forms. They are characterized by different parameters reflecting specific test requirements. They have been designed for administration to a specific population (e.g. psychiatric patients, children, etc.) or for special measuring purposes (e.g. repeated measurements). Test batteries are compiled from the available single tests and test versions.
The Schuhfried VTS enables computer-assisted application of a large number of highly diverse psycho-diagnostic tests and measuring procedures. In developing the system much emphasis was placed on transparent structure and largely uniform design. It is therefore simple to operate and easy to understand and does not require any special computer skills. This VTS basic module is required for administration of any of the available tests.
The Standard Panel allows for user-friendly data input and can be used for many different tests. The test selected determines if the panel is needed. Consult the test's description to see if this panel is required.
The universal panel allows for user-friendly data input and can be used for many different tests. The test selected determines if the panel is needed. Consult the test's description to see if this panel is required.
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